National Reference Center for Angioedema

Therapeutic education

What are ETP programs designed for?

creak - centre national

We explain to you

therapeutic education

ETP can be defined as a step-by-step process, integrated into the care approach, comprising a set of organized activities of awareness, information, learning and psychological and social support.

It is a care approach aimed at providing patients and those around them with information enabling them to understand the illness that affects them, to improve their autonomy and, if possible, to improve their quality of life.

Concretely, it is a pedagogical practice from educational sciences but carried out by health professionals. Its objective is to develop skills in people with a chronic illness in order to help them adapt to changes related to the illness in order to improve their health and quality of life. The occurrence of a chronic illness exposes the person to new situations that require them to learn and develop skills in the field of health but also in daily life.

Thus, therapeutic education is distinguished from patient support, defined as an external process aimed at supporting the patient and those around them.

It is seen as a journey and not a one-off intervention because time is necessary for the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills.

This pathway must be personalized to meet the needs and resources of each patient.

Role of therapeutic education

  • Establish an educational diagnosis


  • Define a personalized program

    Based on the information collected, the analysis of the patient's personalized needs makes it possible to establish relevant and appropriate educational objectives.

  • Plan and implement sessions

    Sessions are planned in agreement with the patient according to their needs and preferences and depending on local possibilities (geographic accessibility, availability of health professionals).

  • Carry out an assessment of acquired skills

    This involves ensuring the relevance of the educational diagnosis and the acquisition of skills according to learning priorities and seeking solutions in the event of difficulties in implementation by the patient in their daily life.

Educational objectives

  • How to manage the announcement and the crisis?

    The AOH and diagnosis

  • How to explain angioedema?

      Being able to understand “what is happening in the body” in order to be able to explain itBeing able to communicate with health professionals in explicit terms
  • Cases in everyday life

    Leisure and angioedema

  • Angioedema, what emotions!

    Sharing your emotions and their impact on the illness

I participate in ETP programs

How to do it and what are the conditions?

You are a patient with hereditary angioedema, adolescent or adult. Your diagnosis has been confirmed by a doctor from one of the centers labeled by CREAK (National center) and you are currently being monitored on the national territory (metropolitan France or DOM TOM).

You can participate in one of the therapeutic education programs remotely

The form below will allow you to make your request.

Confirmation by us is mandatory

Contact us


Angioedema is a sudden swelling of the skin. There are several types of angioedema, the cause and expression of which can vary. Depending on its etiology, angioedema can be mild or more severe.

The patient pathway

How to define your patient journey, help you better live with your illness within your health journey, your care journey thanks to the expertise of CREAK.

CREAK centers

Many centers are strategically located throughout metropolitan France as well as in the overseas departments and territories. Do not hesitate to contact the competent people

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