reference centers and labeled centers
Discover the CREAK reference centers and certified centers, bringing together specialist doctors dedicated to providing quality care for patients with angioedema. With a presence throughout France, CREAK centers offer easy access to competent and dedicated professionals, thus ensuring personalized monitoring and optimal care.
Below is the map of CREAK's reference centers and competence centers. Hover over our information points and access the center page by clicking on the "center sheet" button.
A reference center brings together a highly specialized hospital team with proven expertise in angioedema and which develops its activity in the areas of care, teaching-training and research.
A skills center provides care and monitoring for people with angioedema as close as possible to their home, based on an adapted territorial network and in conjunction with the GRENOBLE NATIONAL center on which it functionally depends.
How to define your patient journey, help you better live with your illness within your health journey, your care journey thanks to the expertise of CREAK.
The therapeutic education program and all the benefits for your daily life.
CHU of Grenoble Alpes
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site created with the institutional support of BIOCRYST